Selamat datang di Webblog BEM FIS UNY - Badan Eksekutif Mahasiswa - Fakultas Ilmu Sosial - Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta 2012

Kamis, 01 Maret 2012

English day for BEM FIS

English day for BEM FIS

Jogja- (22/2) The First time, BEM FIS have a program “English day for BEM FIS”. This program requires that member of BEM FIS to talk to other members by using eglish language throught the day. This program was greeted enthusiastically by members of the BEM as it can assist them in expediting their English. While not all members of the bem able to speak English that ell but this program can still be implemented. “Help maximize the use of the languages of the united kingdom in the student” said jumai.

The uniqueness of thi program, if a member forgot to use English, he has to pay 1000 rupiah. Money, become a member of one of the motivaton bem to speak English because if they forget to speak English they have to pay 1000 rupiah. This payment is the result of an agreement member BEM FIS, and perhaps the money would be cash to BEM FIS.

In practive, many things happen for example when the media department is an internal meeting, the members of this department not forget to use English so it should be remainded by the other members, and existence of many errors in proununciation of words, and they are not confident in talking. From this moment, makes us realize how important the English language. Moreover, to face the challenges of globalization in the future, where we are required to speak English as an international language, and is also one of the stock UNY toward “Word Class University”. So, that the program is supported many people. [Novia/Dept. MJ]

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